To successfully run our script, you need to have access to Twitter and Slack API tokens. The bot was developed in Python leveraging our cloud computing resource - the Rapid Access Cloud. However, it can be customized to any application that the user wishes. We set our product to centre on tweets concerning COVID-19 in Alberta. The message’s content is a real-time tweet from the Twitter accounts that the user has set the Slackbot to follow. Our product is an attempt at creating this scenario. Our team envisioned a scenario where a person busy at work gets a notification in Slack whenever there is a COVID-19 update related to them. It offers the ability to integrate with various software and services. Slack is a common communication platform used across organizations (including Cybera). Why did we choose Slack for our prototype? During a recent internal hackathon competition at Cybera, our team, the DataMasters, wanted to tap into Twitter’s potential and develop a solution to stream important tweets related to COVID-19 in real-time, and deliver it as a Slack message. Over the years, government organizations have been increasingly using Twitter as a popular medium to disseminate information to the mass public. At times, it can be overwhelming to keep track of all the news and updates from different sources, and there is the risk of possibly missing out on important information that concerns you. With the COVID-19 situation rapidly evolving, it’s important to adhere to the public health guidelines and stay up-to-date with the latest information from the government and public health officers. The article below describes the work of Team DataMasters during a recent month-long Professional Development competition at Cybera.