Drag and drop of chapters, scenes, characters, items and locations.Storyboard view, a visual layout of your work.
Viewpoint character, goal, conflict and outcome fields for each scene.
The yWriter7 installer will tell you if you need this file.
Saves automatic backups at user-specified intervals. Download yWriter7 in a zip fileyWriter7 zip file (2.2mb) Requires the Windows. Saves a log file every day, showing words per file and the total. Display the word count for every file in the project, along with a total. Add scenes, characters, items and locations. (Although yWriter was designed for novels, enterprising users have created their own translation files to customise the program to work with plays, non-fiction and even sermons.) Features Now imagine that same novel at 40,000 or 80,000 words! No wonder most first-time writers give up. I mean, all you have to do is type everything into a word processor! Sure, but wait until you hit 20,000 words, with missing scenes and chapters, notes all over your desk, characters and locations and plot points you've just added and which need to be referenced earlier. If you're just embarking on your first novel a program like yWriter may seem like overkill. YWriter5 is free to download and use, but you're encouraged to register your copy if you find it useful. yWriter was designed by an author, not a salesman! It will not write your novel for you, suggest plot ideas or perform creative tasks of any kind. Collect One-Two A dozen short stories by Simon Haynes Twelve short stories ranging from science fiction to fantasy via thrillers. How I write quickly, stick to my plan and get those novels finished. Drag and drop of chapters, scenes, characters, items and locations.YWriter is a word processor which breaks your novel into chapters and scenes, helping you keep track of your work while leaving your mind free to create. How to Write a Novel Tips and advice from a full-time novelist Get access to all my working methods.
Saves automatic backups at user-specified intervals.YWriter is also available on Android & iOS. It doesn’t need or use an internet connection, and all data is stored on your own computer. DOWNLOAD Verdict: If you are looking for the best free novel writing software then check out yWriter6. YWriter6 is free to download and use,it is a standalone application which runs on Windows PCs. YWriter is a word processor which breaks your novel into chapters and scenes, helping you keep track of your work while leaving your mind free to create.